Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

3 of 10 Pillars

Name : Trie Natalie Read
Class : MKT 11-2C
NIM : 2007110281

How 3 of 10 pillars of LSPR can be applied to person’s everyday life?

The London School of Public Relation, Jakarta, have 10 pillars to be applied in people’s everyday life especially for LSPR student itself. There are Belief in God, Honesty, Respect, Discipline, Responsibility, Politeness, Perseverance, Confidence, Independent, and Excellence. People have different pillars that applied in their life. Maybe we can see their act in their daily activities. Good people will act politely and friendly but bad people will act the opposite. The most 3 important pillars are belief in God, respect and responsibility.

First of all, every person has to belief in God. In Indonesia, there are 5 religions which are Catholic, Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, and Hindu. Every religion has different way to express its belief and its religious ritual. People with Catholic and Christian Religions go to the church. Both of it belief in Jesus, but in Catholic, they also belief in Holy Mary. Moslem people belief in Nabi Mohammad, go to mosque and have their own way to pray. Hindu and Buddhist also have its own God.

Another pillar to be applied in everyday life is respect. If we want to get respect from other, we should respect other first. We have to respect our parents, family, friends, and other person eventhough we do not know the person each other especially to people who older than us. In the US, many young adults call their friend’s parents by their first name. It does not indicate rudeness but rather closeness and intimacy. In some country such as in Asia, it is rude to call people older than you by their name.

Responsibility is also important thing to be applied in life. At work, we should responsible to the job that given to us. When people do their job well and on time, it means they responsible with the work. The boss will respect people who do the job well. As a student, we have to responsible with the assignment and assessment. We study hard and graduate with good score. Person who is the oldest in family will get responsibility from parents to take care of the siblings and their house.

The 10 pillars that has been the basic of London School of Public Relation should be applied to person’s everyday life. Belief in God, respect, and responsibility are the most important of 10 pillars. They should be applied since we were a child.

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